Sunday, October 16, 2005

Zoser, Chief Minister and Child of Satan

It's been a couple of weeks now. Sufficient enough time that I feel like I can talk about it. Yes, my Broadway debut is over. I'm a has-been. It was a short-lived dream come true, but doggone it, it really happened, I swear.

Okay, I'm being a dork. It wasn't Broadway but a close second -- Utah community theater. Yes, I had my moment in the spotlight. One month of four-times-weekly performances playing the Disney villian in Aida named Zoser. The truth is, I had a blast. And I was good being evil, damnit! Just see for yourself. That's me in the middle with all my little minions (some of them *really* little). Don't I represent pure, unadulterated evil? And you'd never know I was naked under that coat.

In a nutshell, Zoser's son Radames, who's just returned from 6 months in the Egyptian bush waring against the Nubians to the South, is betrothed to marry the Pharaoh's daughter Amneris and in turn, become Pharaoh when her old man kicks the bucket (which I of course am facilitating with regular doses of aresenic in his wine -- "Die you fool! Die, so my son can be king!"). The problem is, Radames falls in love with a slave girl named Aida who just happens to be the princess of Nubia (but he doesn't know that until the end when he's attempting to help her captured father escape Egypt). They're caught and Amneris, the princess and fiance of Radames sentences them to be buried below the sands of Egypt, in one tomb, together. Such mercy! But not until I kill Radames' servant Mereb (played by my own roommate, no less!) and escape into the wilderness as my plans are foiled.

Such DRA-MA! But seriously, community theater is fun. Try it, you might like it. =)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Picture, Finally!

This is a test of the emergency picture posting system. This is only a test.

Could it be possible that I figured out how to do this finally? I'm so tech-saavy, it's staggering.