Monday, June 19, 2006

Italy, Here I Come!

I don't remember how long it's been, but for at least the last 5 years, I've been telling my friends every year, when my birthday rolls around, that "When I turn 40, I'm going to rent an Italian Villa, invite all my friends over and I'm gonna whoop it up big time!" Well, rickum sickum, mile-long line of explitives..... next year is the year. Unbelieveable! For those of you out there that are falling off your chairs in unbelievable shock that I could be turning 40, I feel your pain. I'm kind of feeling some shock about it too. Lord knows I don't look a day over 38.

I've decided in all my years on this earth, I would take a moment and share some insights I've learned as I've gotten older.

1) Crest works. The toothpaste. Been using it since I was a kid. Not one cavity yet.
2) Black underwear is better than white underwear. I shan't explain (and it doesn't have to do with racing stripes!!)
3) More calories in vs. those going out = kaburba. That's a made up word my friend Joseph used to say, meaning "fatty". See my previous post re: muffin tops.
4) Friends make life worth living. xoxo to ya'll!

Maybe when I'm in a more serious mood I'll revisit this post and add lessons learned. Or maybe not. When am I that serious?!


Chris said...

Uhhh, so when should I book my ticket to Italy? I hear that George Clooney has a fab house on Lake Cuomo...I wonder if he'd let us use it...

Spence-a-lick said...

Todd is the glue that keeps many of us together. In my case he has been industrial strength super glue. Thanks for that babe. See you in italy in your tight black undies.