Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Picture, Finally!

This is a test of the emergency picture posting system. This is only a test.

Could it be possible that I figured out how to do this finally? I'm so tech-saavy, it's staggering.


Spence-a-lick said...

Tech savvy? Todd tell the world that it was me who truly guided you through these steps! Who's on top and who's on bottom now, huh?

Pepperz said...

Yes, it is true. The Ether Bunny taught me how.

Spence-a-lick said...

Damn skippy!

craiger said...
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craiger said...

Y'all are CRAZY!! But *damn* Toddles! You one hella fine guy!

Douglas said...

you dont look like a muffin top in that picture

Pepperz said...

Dougie, that's cause it's oh, 4 years old! LOL ;)