Wednesday, September 28, 2005

British Drama vs American Fluff - An Introspective

Yet another invention of our modern days that I'm loving at the moment: Netflix. I pay something like $17 a month for this online DVD rental service. It's great because I can load up my rental queue with movies I've always wanted to see but never had time to when they were in theaters. They have a gazillion titles, anything you can think of, and the best part is you can sit down and load up your queue then forget about it for a while. You watch one, send it back and in a day or two, voila...the next one arrives.

So imagine this. A nice long weekend with nothing planned but rest and relaxation and a couple of DVDs to watch and return so the next ones that have been on my queue for months finally get here. I like to peruse the Academy Awards section. I can add movies to my list that were nominated or won awards that I never got to see. One such movie was from last year called Vera Drake. It's about this woman in 1950s London who's the sweetest little lady working as a domestic servant and oh, by the way, helps women abort their unwanted fetuses. At the time that was against the law in England. Well to make a long story short, she gets caught, is tried and convicted. The end. Heavy stuff.

Contrast that against...yes, I am quite ashamed to admit...Sponge Bob Square Pants: The Movie. I thought the previews looked hilarious, with that whole David Hasselhoff cameo. And with 5 Academy Award nominations, how can you not be curious?! haha

Needless to say, both were snoozers. Yawn. At least I got some restin and relaxin in.


craiger said...

Hey Toddles! Your blogs are fun! I love how closely you do NOT montior your clothing purchases. (The bunny blog) Good luck with the show!

craiger said...
