Friday, September 16, 2005

Damn that George Walker Bush!!

Tivo is the greatest invention of mankind in my pop-culture, TV-addicted point of view. If you love a show and are too busy to watch it when it airs, just set your Tivo to record every episode and voila, when you have time to catch up, they're all there waiting for you.

Well, last night was the season opener for Survivor: Guatemala. Yes, I'm a Survivor junkie. The show is pretty formulaic and once you've seen one, you know how each one will play out. But the interesting part is seeing how the people interact, wondering in my mind how I'd play it if I were there, etc.

So last night, Tivo is set. I'm not home because I'm singing at the top of my lungs in my Muffin Top Target Slacks (see previous post) at the local community theater. When I get home, I'm all excited about watching the first episode of Survivor 11 and what do I find? Program preemption! George W. spewing more crap about how sucky the Feds were in responding to Hurricane Katrina. Okay, we get it already. Get over it and help those people, but stop whining about it. Damnit, you screwed up. Get FEMA down there, install some TVs in the Astrodome or wherever and get out of the way so those poor people can pass the hours living in a football stadium with some joy by watching quality entertainment, like Survivor, and so my Tivo captures it all and I don't miss it because of a Prime Time Presidential Address. Sheesh! =)

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