Thursday, September 01, 2005

Happy Valley Humdrum

Sometimes it's easy to complain about living in a place that's considered one of the most conservative and most Republican congressional districts in the entire country. This place (home to Brigham Young University) is seriously one happy valley, on the surface anyway. Ever one is uber-sweet (and at times uber-judgmental...perhaps another post on that in the future). Last year when Michael Moore came to speak at a state college nearby, I was entirely amused sitting back and watching the rabid reaction of many in the community... "How DARE you invite the Spawn of Satan to speak in our happy little valley?! HOW DARE YOU!" I could go on and on, but I won't.

I've decided to focus on the positives in this post, particulary in light of what's happening right now in the Gulf Coast. 1) It's beautiful here in Utah. The mountains are fantastic, and are so close! In 20 minutes I can be in the thick of them, skiing or hiking or whatever. 2) It's pretty cheap. While I like to complain about how much my mortgage is, I could be living in San Francisco, paying the same amount or more per month for a one-bedroom apartment instead of my three-floor townhouse. 3) No hurricanes! We did have one tornado in the state a few years back which wiped out a gay club in Salt Lake City, among other damages ("Those damn gays had it coming!").

So, at least today, I'm happy to be here and grateful for what I have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those DAMN gays!!! They just go and ruin everything