Friday, September 16, 2005

Muffin Tops

I'm in this play at the local community theater. It's a musical. Aida. I play the evil, Disney villain named Zoser who's poisening the Egyptian Pharaoh so my son who's betrothed to the pharaoh's daughter will become the next king of Egypt. Anyway, it's been a lot of work and hard nights of rehearsals for the past month or so and I'm glad it's finally underway.

My costume is a long black coat. Wool. Hot as hell. Underneath I'm supposed to wear black slacks. When I was speaking with the costumer early on, I told him I had several pairs of black pants at home and I could just wear one of them. Well, (this goes to my earlier Bloody Bunny post) over the past, oh, year or so I've been a lazy ass and have gotten a bit pudgier, especially in the mid-section (damnit!). So needless to say, when I tried on each of the three pairs of black pants I have in my closet at home, two were impossibly the point of a two inch gap in the zipper. There was no way those babies were zipping up! And the other pair, one size bigger in the waist, would just barely close. But what resulted was a serious muffin top.

You know how the top of a muffin spills slightly over the edge of the paper cup, creating this oh-so-attractive lip of muffin? Well, that was my gut. Hanging over the edge of those pants. A real all-season radial, steel belted and all. So I threw in the towel, so to speak, drove to Target, swallowed my pride (clothing from Target!?) and bought a cheap pair of black pants for $20 that were 3-4 sizes larger in the waist than I'd actually ever admit to. I figured, hey, why spend $65 or more on a nice pair of pants from Banana Republic that I'm just gonna be drowning in in what, a couple of months down the road? So I saved a few bucks and now I'm budgeting for this.

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