Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Crullers and Coronaries

A word of advice...Krispy Kreme Crullers aren't the best energy food when you're climbing a 12,000 foot peak.

Okay, so I didn't climb to the very top of that peak, but still. A third of it maybe? Yesterday I got up early and went with a friend to climb Mt. Timpanogos here in Happy Valley. This has to be one of the most beautiful and majestic mountains I've ever seen. At the beginning of the summer, we decided we'd set a goal to climb it before Fall arrives. Well, yesterday was our attempt. So after dragging my ass up at 7:30 am (on a holiday, no less!) and rushing to meet her, I didn't have time to eat a proper breakfast. So I threw whatever I could find around the kitchen into my pack...including those damn crullers! You know, those spiraly little cake donuts with about 3 lbs. of sugar on each one. I think they're something like 140 calories each. I thought it'd be a good idea for a quick energy blast. Not so much.

Four hours later with an ache in my belly, 3 inches of dust around my ankles, a sore knee and a sunburned neck we made it back to the car, exhausted but exhilerated. Timp won this time around, since we didn't summit. But I think I at least burned off the donuts.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Ugh. I did the Timp hike once upon a time and it was awful. It was my first trip to Utah and being from New York and roughly living at sea level my entire life climbing a 12,000 foot mountain is a bad idea. Anyway I ended up drinking for a stream, which for a boy who won't even drink water from the tap is a VERY BIG DEAL.